Thursday, 31 March 2011

Swift Half update - 31st March 2011

  • The garden is dripping with damson blossom now - much more so than last year (and the year before for that matter). It's really quite stunning.
  • The two frogs in the pond remain glued together - but still no spawn. Generally the frogs remain well-hidden under the mass of marsh marigold flowers.
  • The newts still dominate the pond.
  • The local heron |(click twice to enlarge photo) flies in at tea time each day - no doubt to steal a newt or two, or even the frogs. I'm lucky in that the girls (hens) shout their annoyance (or panic really) each time the heron gets close -or tries to land in the garden - so to get a photo, all I have to do is listen for the girls' alarm call. Good girls!


  1. stunning in flight shot of this heron... great eye detail, especially when enlarged!
