Swift Half update - 4th December 2010

- I have decided to re-introduce Cutlery to the flock today - and did so this morning, as she started to preen for the first time in a week last night.
- I'm not expecting much - the pessimist in me suggests she'll not make the winter anyway for a number of reasons:
- One - she's still very light, very weak (cannot jump still) and the runt of the bunch now.
- Two - its due to get colder again tomorrow and there's no much meat on her at present
- Three - she will be picked on, for the first reason above and the fact that as far as all our hens are now concerned, she is a new hen being introduced to a flock on her own - never a great thing to do.
- Four - she's still not eating that much, and boy does she need to pile her weight back on.
- That all said, its do or die time this weekend for cutters - I cannot have a hen crapping upstairs in a box, and a cat (post-op) crapping downstairs in another box, and Cutlery has (after all) been quarantined on antibiotics now for a whole week.
- Upon (re)introduction, Cutters briefly stood up to Trouble and Conker, who both gained superiority pretty-well immediately. A few pecks and Cutters was put firmly in her place.
- The pecking order is thus - Trouble, Couven, Conker, Cutlery.
- I'll leave Cutters out all day (she's peeled off from the other three - just like Couvster did when her ego got dented on inthroduction to Trouble and Conker).
- Tonight will be key - if she eats enough today, still maintains a defensive posture with Conker and Trouble, and more importantly than all that- can summon the leg strength to walk up the ramp to the coop come dusk (not sure about this - she's mighty weak (nice oxymoron) still) - then she may, I say may be ok for a while....
- Fingers crossed and I'll report back tomorrow, but for now I'm off to fry a couple of Trouble's "lead free eggs.
- A note for the photos above - the black hen is Trouble (wonderful plumage), the chestnut coloured hen is Conker and as for the "four headless chickens" photo - clockwise from 9' o'clock - Couven, Conker, Trouble, Cutlery. You'll no-doubt note that all our hens have their tails pointing skywards, apart from poor Cutters. Tail up is always a good sign of healthy chooks....
ReplyDeleteShe's not deid. But she's taken a regular onslaught from (what I thought was the sweet darling) Conker all day.
Unlike Couven who could run away from Trouble, Cutlery tends to fall to the ground - and hens are pretty merciless things.
She is still too weak to climb the ramp to the coop, so I popped her in there at dusk, after the others had settled down.
Next step is to see whether she has the strength to come out of the coop on her own - something she's not had the strength to do for ten days or so now...
I'll report back.
By the way - I fried Trouble's first two eggs this morning and had them on toast with some marmite.
ReplyDeleteThey're small (to be expected at present) but perfectly formed and very nice indeed.
Bonus too - our new hens don't like eating the lead-based paint on the decrepit back door (unlike Couvs and Cutters) -so thats nice to know, when I'm eating their eggs!
Conker is yet to lay. Any day now....
Fascinating series of posts Doug. Hope all goes well with the hens. Keeps us posted on the developments
ReplyDeleteCheers pal. I think I might have to separate them again...