Swift Half update - 18th December 2010

- Three and a half hours of snow from 7:30am to 11am left us with 3" of snow (much less than other areas of the country I see) this morning, which will have a job to thaw all week at this rate...
- Its had a few effects - the poor girls (hens) are locked in their run all day, but I've made 'em some mashed potato, so they'll get over it. The wild birds have come into the garden in numbers, including a song thrush (rare here) and a first for the garden -a pied wagtail on a branch (they normally prefer hard, flat surfaces like pavements, patios, roofs, carparks). I adore wagtails -such charismatic birds. Swifts will always be my number one and Jays number two, but I rather think wagtails are at number three. Tw photos at the top of the post show today's wagtail.
- The cats having only been alive sinceAugust last year, have only known cold, snowy winters in their life. They seemed to love it (again) today.
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