Swift half news - 4th July 2010
- We have yet another blackbird nest in the rear (rear) garden - the third blackbird nest this year and unfortunately the kittens have found it again. It looks slightly more protected than the other two, and both spostles will have a bit of trouble raiding it I think. Raid it they will though I'm sure - fending off a very aggressive male blackbird (he's been really dive-bombing both cats) on the way.
- Flower report - the eldderflower is gone and the honeysuckle & potato flowers are virtually gone.
- Still no rain of any sort to speak of - and not much forecast for the month ahead they say (not that I trust any weather forecast which delves more than three days into the future!)
- I am having great fun watching our growing swifts in the nest. They have incredible mouths don't they? Like Pac-man or Elmo (for Sesame street officianados). I think they will be gone within a fortnight now - maybe sooner - so much earlier than our original guesses of 26th and 28th July...
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