Swift half news - 1st July 2010
- Do we have a change in the weather on the way? I hear Ireland and Wales are getting pretty wet and we've had a properly cloudy and blowy day now. We may get some rain tomorrow, but it'll still be warm - this IS officially the driest start to a year since 1929 and the second driest EVER.
- Lots of nice moffs in the trap last night, including a common emerald, a common footman and a blue-bordered carpet (amongst millions of LBJs (Little Brown Jobbies)).
- I am well aware that the swifts are way ahead of shedule as far as fledging is concerned. They really do look like little adults now - a bit more grey (a bit paler) around the face and gob, a little bit of down remaining on top, but they both look in great shape and I'm sure will fledge WAY before the end of the month. Whether they spend their first few nights in the nest space after fledging - who knows? It will be interesting to see - I have a feeling when they're gawn, they'll be gawn.
- After they have gone, I will naturally post far less on this site. Will I take down the swiftcam and pop garden cam on instead? Haven't decided yet, grapple fans!
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