Sunday, 24 April 2011

Swift half SWIFT update - 24th April 2011

  • Yesterday evening, before Anna and I decamped to a local water-hole for some goan scran and a celebratory beer (to toast our swifts back!) we noticed two swifts courting over "Swift Half".
  • This is what happened last year, before breeding commenced - but we still only had one bird in the roof overnight.
  • We think this is the male -who spent about twelve hours in the roof, before leaving for the day at around 09:00hrs this morning. Video number two HERE.
  • I type this at 17:00hrs - and I've not seen or heard a swift all day - in the roof or in the sky.
  • There do seem to be far fewer swifts reported in the county on this date, compared to last year.
  • I hope we get a year like last year (5 or 6 swifts screaming around the house all day and a successful breeding season) rather than the year before (just one swift in the roof, which produced one egg (which failed) and died in the roof).
  • Cross your fingers, grapple fans!
  • I note that the weather is going to cool down markedly this week- to return to the level it should be (around 16c, rather than 27c!). This will make roosting and breeding a far better proposition for any swifts - Anna and I certainly noticed our roof swift panting like a trooper in its hot bed last night!

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