Click the photo twice to see a little larger and clearer (11 in shot, 6 with berries in their gobs!)
A quickie here as I've been incredibly busy all weekend (didn't even have time to volunteer at a local wetland on saturday like normal).
Did have time to check on our winter ducks this morning though - hundreds of wigeon still about, pochard, tufties, gadwall and my favourite of all - the goldeneye.
This morning at dawn, Mr.T (my neighbour) were treated to the superb site of FOUR adult male goldeneye displaying at a local lake. One day I WILL take my wee boat out and get a shot or two of this with any luck!
Also managed to catch up with our local waxwings. Three dozen this morning, still feeding off the huge crop of berries outside a local Porsche showroom. I wonder whether I'll ever see waxwings in this part of the country again?
Not so good was my quick belt up the M4 to see how our short-eared owls are getting on. For the first time in months - although I found plenty of fresh pellets -and I saw a hen harrier, I saw NO owls. Where have they gawn? I'll have to find time to investigate...
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