Sunday, 24 October 2010

General (County) update - 24th October 2010

  • Up at 5am again, to drive twenty or so miles to see if our short-eared owls had returned to their winter grounds quite near us.

  • A glorious dawn greeted me after a glorious drive - its lovely just to put your foot down on empty roads occasionally...

  • No owls yet, but a few hares, a few kestrels, a beautiful pale buzzard, some skylark, corn bunting and yellowhammer, lapwing and a couple of roe deer.

  • Plenty of winter starling flocks n all (please click photo to enlarge) - I'll be back soon enough to see if my owls have made it back...


  1. fantastic flock-shot Doug

  2. that is a pretty cool look like you had a "birds-eye" view of the event!
