Sunday, 12 September 2010

Swift Half update - 12th September 2010

  • Firstly the bad news. The caterpillar (that I thought was a red admiral in the wrong place) that started to pupate on our big shed has been "broken into" by a wasp I expect and eaten. The chrysalis is still there - but has a hole in it and is empty. Sad, but there you are.
  • Plenty of migrant hawkers and common darters, field grasshoppers and spider-hunting wasps in and around the garden still.
  • The leaves on the trees (especially the damson trees) are yellowing quickly and falling in the blustery winds.
  • Pears beginning to rot on the large pear tree (I'll have to rescue the still-edible ones now. We tested (by tasting) one t'other night and it was very nice indeed!
  • Two woodmice still under the corrugated iron.
  • Newts (and frogs) still in pond after I gave it a little TLC (blanket weed removal) yesterday.
  • Hawks still apparent and a nice large dark buzzard flew low over the house this morning -always nice to see. Fewer kites at present though (always seems to be the way at this time of year, when I assume they follow the tractors round farmers fields at grass cutting / harvesting time).
  • Jays still coming for their monkey nuts - I'll turn up the volume on that project in October.


  1. Doug,

    Sorry to hear about the chrysalis. I was very interested to see how that went.

    Love the new layout by the way.

  2. Cheers pal.
    Yes - its a shame, but it really was in a very strange (exposed) place, so I was expecting this really.
    I think the new layout is ok too - easier to read for me I think!
    Cheers again!
