General (county) news - 3rd June 2010
- Anna and I took an extended walk to Wild Moor Heath (Bracknell Forest) in the glorious sunshine today. We had originally planned to go at dusk, to listen for nightjars, but got impatient and went in the early afternoon to watch the dragonflies instead.
- Even though we've had remarkably little rain this year (so far), the boggy parts of the heath were still boggy enough to support very good numbers of the early chaser dragonflies - broad-bodied chasers and four-spotted chasers, which we took great delight in watching for some time. Amazing little things.

- We also saw a couple of lizards (common lizards) and a young roe buck - but no dartford warblers.
- I would recommend a walk around the (very large) Wild Moor Heath to anyone, who like me is a bit of a fair weather southern softy at heart - I like heathland, but much prefer southern, lowland heaths, bathed in warm sunshine, to grab my reptile, dragonfly and pine tree fix!
I like to "grab my reptile" occasionally as well; I generally do it while safely indoors though.