General (county) news - 27th June 2010
- I haven't posted a general news update for some time now, so thought I'd briefly do just that...
- All the dragonflies are on the wing now - including Emperors - though I've yet to photograph (or even try to) those huge odonates this year.
- The hot weather continues - we may get a few clouds and a little light rain midweek this week, but thats all. Its set to top 30c today, after another sunny, hot week.
- Demoiselles are out in force on the Thames and little froglets are in thick waterside grass everywhere.
- The otter that is well known (but never seen) on our local river is next on my hit list - but that may take a LOT of time to stalk out!
- The marbled white butterflies are out, even though their main food source (thistle flowers) are still hardly in evidence. Large skippers out also as are ringlets, red-eyed damselflies and cinnabar moths.
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