Monday, 3 May 2010

Swift half news - 3rd May 2010

  • Our swift got up very late today - maybe around 10am, and bad news - sparrows are moving nesting material into the swift roof space. Not much material granted, but there's certainly a little turf wars going on...
  • Next door neighbours' vixen was out late this morning also - around 8:30am, and the girls (our hens - Couven and Cutlery) were a little twitchy. Cutlery is still having trouble producing decent eggs, but she managed a reasonable one this morning, and both girls took an extended dust bath this afternoon.
  • Both (quite large) fox cubs seen in neighbours' garden at 9:15 tonight - quite bold they were...
  • 5 potato plants above ground now.
  • Hen blackbird still sitting on her (doomed) eggs in honeysuckle.
  • Cold week ahead (northerly wind) - may put the breeding/hatching/growing back a bit.
  • The mason bees in my post are really busy though - plenty of pollen brought back to the holes by the bees this morning. I think we'll have a full compliment of eggs in bricked-up holes by june at this rate - at present I have 5 holes all bricked up with pollen and egg in (to hatch next year) and twelve occupied holes (I can see the bee inside the hole) ready to be bricked up soon I hope). Wonderful stuff - my bee post is unbeelievably successful this year!


  1. The swift got back very late on this day also - at about 20:45.
    I assume that was because it was so nippy here in the UK, that she? (he?) decided to go hunting much further south - maybe in France (another little known fact about these incredible birds!)

  2. Are you serious??!!! That far south??!!! Amazing. No ash cloud problems for them!! - Darren
