Wednesday, 5 May 2010

General (county) news - 5th May 2010

  • First real hatch of sedge flies on the Thames this morning.

  • First really good numbers of swifts overhead (I counted 15 or so over Caversham Weir, Reading, at 7am)

  • Pair of terns now over Caversham Weir.

  • All Black Swan cygnets now hatched (eight in all I think, from two separate adult pairs).

  • Coots broods hatching also.


  1. Two Swifts in the nest now...getting exciting, certainly better than a general election.

  2. Cheers Chris! We watched it happen at 19:30hrs and Anna and I are over the moon! Large numbers of swifts arrived in Berkshire today (in time for the first hatch of sedge flies on the main river this morning) and we are so pleased we now have a DEFINITE PAIR!
    (I've altered the update below)
    Thanks again for taking a keen interest in my favourite birds of all, and I very much look forward to seeing an even better shot of a flying swift on flickr, from you soon!
