Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Swift half news - 28th April 2010

  • I'm convinced the bird (swift) in the roof space at present is the female, quite literally feathering her nest -I watched her carry a feather in to the nest at about 1800hrs tonight and arrange it on the upturned carpet bed! Not the best nest-builders, swifts!
  • Will we have eggs soon - I think so!
  • I have bought a camera-computer USB video grabber and am investigating streaming sites - I hope to have a live feed to the world wide tinterweb maybe as early as this weekend, for any interested swift-fans to watch our swift(s?) at their leisure and indeed, pleasure...
  • Watch this space...
  • As for other nests - there are two eggs in the dumb blackird's nest (in the honeysuckle on the shed). I'm not sure if she's even carried on with that, with the spostles around... aw well, time will tell.


  1. This live stream is going to be facinatibg Doug. Very interesting - darren

  2. Hopefully Darren! Cheers for stopping by bud.
